GIS DAY 2020
Geographers Conduct First Daily Surveillance of Emerging COVID-19 Hotspots- University of Utah geographers map daily surveillance of emerging hotspots, using local data to inform future decisions.
Ramblers' Citizen Geographers Find 49,000 Miles of 'Lost Paths'- British volunteers map rediscoveries of ancient roads and pathways.
The Science Of Why Coronavirus Exposes Racism And Xenophobia-
Fighting The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak- Forbes magazine articles by Dr. Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia, on the unique methods and perspectives that Geography provides to spatial epidemiology.
In Oregon’s 2020 Fires, Highly Managed Forests Burned the Most- Geographer from University of Oregon maps the spatial distribution of recent forest fires.
Geographers Bring Expertise on Geospatial Data, Modeling to COVID-19 Research- Penn State University news article presenting applications of GIS and geospatial technologies to solve problems.
The Displaced- A Story Map portraying the plight of refugees through art. Created by Margaret Lowenstein, a Junior in Nursing, as part of her Honors College option for GC2Y 2000: Global Connections.
How the Virus Won- New York Times story map highlighting travel patterns, hidden infections, and genetic data to display the COVID-19 virus spread.
Natural Hazards in the Pacific: Ideas for Future Risk Mitigation- A Story Map examining the impacts of environmental risk and climate change on the South Pacific. Written by Zachary Meyers, a Senior in Geography, as part of his Honors College option for GEOG 4120: Natural Hazards.
GIS Stories- Find amazing stories through GIS. Brought to you by ESRI, a leading vendor of geographic information systems software.
Epidemics, Elites, and Public Health- Podcast from KPFA, presenting historical geographer Graham Mooney reflecting on measures like isolation and quarantines — as well as elite indifference to the plight of the poor and working classes during infectious disease outbreaks.
Voice of Islam/Breakfast Show Podcast- Hear from geographer Graham Mooney and the Voice of Islam about rulings on outbreak of disease and the lock-down of holy sites in Mecca and Medina.
Drones Piloting and Projects- Selected video projects from GEOG 4950 class, featuring student projects directed by Dr. Mark Rochelo.
GIS DAY 2020 on YouTube- Select from several productions of videos by GIS users. Be sure to include the name of the video you watched in your reflection statement.